


Nhà phát hành alfiecg24
Chuyên mục Apps , iPA
Phiên bản 1.0.2
Cập nhật 23/04/2024
Mod Công cụ cài đặt TrollStore

TrollInstallerX is a universal TrollStore installer. It focuses on being extremely reliable and easy to use. It is also very fast, being able to install TrollStore and/or its persistence helper in a matter of seconds on the latest devices.

TrollInstallerX supports all devices running iOS 14.0 – 16.6.1, both arm64 and arm64e. It makes use of one of two different methods to install TrollStore, depending on what device and iOS you have. These methods are:

  • Direct installation: using the kfd kernel exploit, along with the dmaFail PPL bypass on iOS 15.2+ arm64e devices, TrollInstallerX can install both TrollStore and its persistence helper directly onto the device without having to leave the installer.

    • Supports iOS 14.0 – 16.6.1 (arm64) and iOS 14.0 – 16.5.1 (arm64e).
      • Note: A15, A16, and M2 devices on iOS 16.5.1 do not support this method.
      • Note: A8 devices are only supported on iOS 14.0 – 15.1 for the time being.
  • Indirect installation: Using the kfd kernel exploit, TrollInstallerX can replace a system application of your choice with the TrollStore persistence helper. This method only exists due to both the lack of a PPL bypass on iOS 16.6 and above, as well as the fact that dmaFail is non-functional on A15, A16, and M2 devices on iOS 16.5.1.

    • Supports iOS 16.5.1 – 16.6.1 (arm64e).
      • Note: This method is the only method that supports A15, A16, and M2 devices on iOS 16.5.1.

Both methods allow you to install a persistence helper into a removable system app. The reason that this is needed is due to the way that the CoreTrust bug (used by TrollStore) works – in certain circumstances, TrollStore and other apps installed by it will be reset to User registration, instead of System. You cannot open any of these apps until you have used the persistence helper to set them back to System registration.



TrollInstallerX is extremely easy to use. Simply download the latest release from the Releases page, and sideload it using your preferred method. Once installed, open the app and press the “Install” button. From there, TrollStore and/or its persistence helper will be installed onto your device.

TrollInstallerX will automatically choose the best exploit for your device. However, in some cases, you may want to choose a specific exploit. To do this, simply open the settings view and select the exploit that you want to use. Once you have selected it, press the “Install TrollStore” button and TrollInstallerX will use the exploit you have chosen.

Note: iOS 16.2 – 16.6.1 and iOS 15.7.2 – 15.8.2 require an internet connection in order for TrollInstallerX to download the kernelcache and patchfind it.


Why am I stuck at “Exploiting kernel”?

This is a common issue with the kfd exploit. Simply reboot your device and try again.

Why can I not open/see TrollStore after a successful installation?

During installation, you will have installed a persistence helper. Open your persistence helper and press “refresh app registrations” to fix TrollStore not being able to be opened.

Why did the app I selected for the persistence helper not become the persistence helper?

If you selected an app for the persistence helper and it did not change, it is likely that you already have a persistence helper installed. Open TrollStore and go to settings to see which app is set to the persistence helper.

Why am I getting an error about not being able to patchfind?


  • You’re on a non-MacDirtyCow supported version, and are not connected to the internet, or;
  • You’re using a Yellow iPhone 14 or Yellow iPhone 14 Plus on iOS 16.3 (20D50), in which case, open a GitHub Issue.

Additionally, if a file exists at /, TrollInstallerX will use that file instead of downloading the kernelcache. This can be useful if you have a slow or unreliable internet connection, or happen to have a device and version combination that has no public kernelcache available.

Why does TrollInstallerX say “failed to install persistence helper” using the indirect method?

The indirect method is not perfect, and sometimes it will fail to install the persistence helper. If this happens, simply shut down your device, turn it back on, and try again. If you repeatedly have issues with the same app, try using a different app.

Why does TrollInstallerX not support iOS 17.0?

TrollInstallerX does not support iOS 17.0 because we do not have any public exploits for it. Once one releases, it will be integrated into TrollInstallerX.

Hướng dẫn

1. Nếu tải bằng thiết bị di động, sau khi đến trang đích nhưng không thấy nút DOWNLOAD, vui lòng bấm vào biểu tượng AA ở bên trái thanh địa chỉ và chọn "Yêu cầu trang web cho máy tính".
2. Sau khi đã tải iPA về thiết bị:
- Nếu đã jailbreak: vui lòng cài thêm Appsync từ nguồn
- Nếu chưa jailbreak: sử dụng AltStore, Sideloadly để cài đặt (yêu cầu máy tính) hoặc mua chứng chỉ và cài đặt thông qua Esign, Gbox...

Download TrollInstallerX

1.0.2 for iOS 14.0 - 16.6.1

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3 months ago

admin ra jb ios 12 trở lên đi ạ

3 months ago

Tải kiểu g

Nguyễn Thành Long
Nguyễn Thành Long
3 months ago


4 months ago

có cách nào chỉnh file ios bằng pc kh ạ ios 18

5 months ago

ios 16.7.10 down troll dc k ad ơi

Reply to  Lê Tí
4 months ago

Hồi nào mới đc tr

Reply to  Lê Tí
4 months ago

ios 15.8.3 ko cài dc buồn

Reply to  Lê Tí
3 months ago

up lên đi ad

5 months ago


5 months ago

Em không tải đc alight motion ad ơi

7 months ago

ios 17.5.1 ko hổ trợ chán vậy

Reply to  khiem
7 months ago

lên cao cho cố chi rồi than

7 months ago

ra 17.3.1 đi ad ơi

8 months ago

16.7 có bản nào k ad ơi?

8 months ago

có bản 16.7.8 ko ad , tôi cập nhật hơi quá tay chút mà giờ ko biết ép xuống kiểu gì

9 months ago

sao không có Capcut pro vậy admin :((

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